Company Name: Tideuover.com
Trading name of: Tide You Over Limited
Registration Number: 7448835
Credit Licence Number: 6415641
Representative APR: 592%
Maximum Loan Amount: £1,000
Loan Term: 10 to 39 days
Cost to Borrow £100 for 30 Days: £19
Representative Example: Borrow £200 for 28 days. The total charge for credit is £32. Interest is fixed at a rate of £32 per £200 loan (208.6% per annum). The total repayable is £232. 592% APR Representative.
Hidden Fees: There are no hidden fees. The transmission fee is included in the total cost.
Promo Code: No
Contact: admin@tideuover.com / 0845 838 8469
Requirements to Apply: you must be 18+, a UK citizen with a UK bank account, have a valid debit card and be permanently employed with a regular income.
About Tide U Over:
New customers can borrow up to £400 but this credit limit might be increased if you repay your first loan on time - this will depend on your own circumstances such as income, credit score...
They will do credit checks but will not systematically decline your application if you have a low credit score. They will take it into account but this is not their only criteria of their affordability check - so at the end of the day they might still approve you, maybe for a lower amount.
TideUOver are also able to send you the funds within the same day as long as you apply before 5PM. Otherwise the funds should be with you the next working day.
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